Essential Oils? What’s the Deal?

What is an essential oil?  What makes an essential oil so pure? In the past I was always skeptical about essential oils and other products for that matter and their level of purity.  Every company says they are 100% pure or therapeutic grade.  So what’s the...

Go to Essential oils for the Fall Season

We are coming into fall and for some of you, allergy season, first cold of the season, or just run down from having too much fun this summer.  Either way we need to protect ourselves from what’s ahead.  I love my go to essential oils to prevent me from getting...

Top 5 Pilates exercises to do at home

pilates-exercises-2016Lets face It,  there are days we just don’t have time to work out.  Going for a walk around the block doesn’t seem feasible.  However, we still need to move and if your like me sometimes you don’t always have a lot of time.  So...